十月CDP科技主题月,我们特别邀请了拥有跨国企业管理经验的David Mitchell,与我们一同就未来HR科技发展趋势做系列的深入探讨。David Mitchell 拥有横跨中美的多年人力资源实战经验和理论知识。他早年在Kronos担任过大中华区总经理,并在Towers Watson担任过人力资源科技和服务亚太区负责人。同时他也在中国的跨国医疗机构担任过人力资源副总裁。
在这次的采访中,David Mitchell 回顾并比较了中外人力资源的发展史。他多次强调,人力资源的关键是“变革的管理方式”。人力资源不应该是单一的薪酬计算,考勤之类的模块,而是要把这些模块整合在一起。并且我们要通过科技赋能企业管理模式,通过使用一些工具进行“人”的管理,让企业高层的管理可视化、更高效。David认为企业的未来需要进行变革,这个变革是需要数字化的方式实现的。
David Mitchell
Managing Partner at Asia Growth Solutions
David is the a long time industry veteran and business leader in the HR/HCM industry. His background and expertise are across the borders between US and China . Among his earlier career he was GM and Practice Leader for some of the key Global HR Technology Leaders , and also very importantly, had worked as an HR VP for an Chinese Health Care Company.